Get a Quote Step 1 of 4 25% Your InformationYour Name* Your Name Phone*Your Work Email* Enter Email Confirm Email YouPublish provides services for self-publishing authors. Are you interested in self-publishing your book?YouPublish provides services for self-publishing authors. Are you interested in self-publishing your book? Yes No It looks like we may not be the right fit…. Contact us with any questions at Book InformationWorking Title*Estimated Word Count*Estimates depend on word count. If you do not know the exact word count, please estimate as best you can. How do you plan on distributing this title?*Select all that apply. Give away as a free digital giveaway Sell as an Amazon print-on-demand book Print bound copies and sell through other platforms What services are you seeking?* Editing only Design only (cover, typesetting, etc.) Editing and design Printing only Editing and Design ServicesEditorial Support*Which level of editorial support do you want us to provide? Check all that apply. Most books need 2-4 passes. Understand how we define the levels of editing here. Developmental editing (1 pass) Macroediting (1 pass) Copy editing (1 pass) Proofreading (1 pass) None (the manuscript will be proofread, ready for publication, and without errors upon submission) In what format(s) do you want to publish?*Check all that apply. Paperback Hardback eBook Audiobook In what format(s) (Other)*Trim Size (the size of the book)* I’ll go with your recommendation! 5 x 8 inches 5.5 x 8.5 inches 6 x 9 inches Other Trim Size (Other)*Cover Design* Front, back, spine (most books require this) Front only (eBook-only projects) I am supplying my own cover design (printing-only projects) Manuscript Submission and PrintingManuscript Delivery Date*When will we receive the manuscript ready to begin with your preferred services (editing, design, or printing)? MM slash DD slash YYYY Bound Book Delivery Date*When do you hope to have books bound and in your hand? MM slash DD slash YYYY Initial Print Run*If you want to do an initial print run, how many books are you considering printing? If you do not want to print any books immediately, mark 0. You can update this number at any time in the process. 0 1-250 251-500 501-1,000 1001-2,000 2001-3,000 Over 3,000 What is your budget?*How did you hear about us exactly?*Who is your sales representative?*If you do not have one yet, write “None”.Are you interested in using our certified editors (instead of senior editors) for discounted editing pricing?*Our certified editors have less experience than our senior editors but provide high quality editing and have been vetted, trained, and certified by us. Our certification is an in-depth process that requires formal training, passing tests, and editing at least 100,000 words.Are you interested in using our certified designers (instead of senior designers) for discounted pricing?*Our certified designers have less experience than our senior designers but provide high quality design. They have been vetted, trained, and certified by us. Our certification is an in-depth process that requires experience, quality, and passing tests.Any other commentsUpload ManuscriptPlease upload your manuscript in Word or Pages file format as you have it now (it doesn’t have to be finished). This will be kept secure and totally private, only used for assessment.Accepted file types: docx, doc, pages, Max. file size: 2 MB.CAPTCHA