The Faith Once for All

Bible Doctrine for Today

Jack Cottrell

The Faith Once for All

Bible Doctrine for Today

Jack Cottrell

End product we are happy with

YouPublish has helped us take on the huge task of transitioning over 100 of our titles from traditional printing to print-on-demand, plus redesigning 11 of our top sellers. They have been flexible when we have needed to change the timeline on some of our projects. Also, they have responded well to feedback as we work together to create an end product that we are happy with.
Angela Blethen

Services We Provided

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The Publishing Story: The Faith Once for All

College Press came to us with the book The Faith Once for All by Jack Cottrell, which is one of their 11 top-sellers that they wanted us to redo. They wanted a new cover and interior for a great refresh.

Specific Services We Provided

We helped with:

  • Project management
  • Interior design and typesetting
  • Cover design
  • eBooks

The Faith Once for All was republished November 27, 2023.

We enjoyed the challenge of recreating the indexes for this book. Our design team learned new, more efficient methods for developing subject indexes, and we appreciate College Press’s hard work putting together the Scripture index.

We appreciate College Press’s Angela Blethen’s kind endorsement: “They have responded well to feedback as we work together to create an end product that we are happy with.”

More About the Book

From the back cover.

A Systematic Theology From Dr. Jack Cottrell

At its most basic, the word “theology” means “God talk,” the Greek theos originally meaning “God” and logos meaning “word, statement, speech, discourse.” God, then, is the ultimate subject and source of theology. Included in theology is the study of the nature of God himself, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. But theology also includes the scope of the Bible itself: the study of the Word of God subject-by-subject. Cottrell has carefully and thoroughly set forth an examination of the Bible’s teaching concerning every major subject.

The Faith Once for All is a powerful and dynamic view of biblical doctrine. Doctrine is nothing less than food for the soul, nourishing and strengthening us within. This book is a valuable asset that will serve as the cornerstone of your biblical reference library.

“Contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.” (Jude 3, NIV)

Dr. Jack Cottrell (4/30/1938 – 9/16/2022). With a lifetime of integrity, faithfulness and scholarship, he gave us decades of teaching, twenty-eight books, an eighteen-volume collected writings set, and numerous magazine articles and individual chapters in books, with twelve of his books translated into thirteen different languages. This legacy will continue to serve believers seeking to follow Christ every day.